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Thank You, Iota Nu!

Thank you, Alumni of Iota Nu! I was absolutely shocked to read in an email that I received the Iota Nu scholarship. For that, I am greatly indebted to this chapter and what its brothers have done for me.

As far as how I got here, I nervously decided to go out for recruitment in the Spring of 2019. I didn’t quite know if dressing up on Mondays was the thing for me, but the people I met during the process were so awesome. Looking around, I knew I could learn a lot from the brothers I saw. I talked to a lot of different people about anything from walking out on Thousand Hills Lake (when it was frozen, of course) to sitting with some seniors and complaining about the dining halls; I had a blast.

The night after recruitment ended, I never jumped so hard at the sound of knocking at my door. Outside stood half a dozen members of Delta Sigma Pi with a piece of paper extending membership, signed by every single member of the chapter. How exciting!

From that moment on, I have sincerely taken it to heart that brothers will receive from the chapter what they put in it. This chapter is its members, and I am very proud to call every person that sits around me at chapter a brother.

My favorite part of being a Deltasig isn’t chapter though. It without fail makes my day at grad and internship fairs when one of the people marketing their firm or organization is a brother. They’re always so quick to chime in that they are an alumni when I bring up my involvement at Truman. And suddenly, just like that, through unspoken communication, we are able to relate to each other (whether it be fun shifts working concessions, rainy concessions shifts, or Pi events).

Delta Sigma Pi has given me more than just professionalism, brotherhood, and service, it has given me a purpose here at college. Thank you again.

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