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Thankful for DSP

Being a full time student, varsity athlete, and Deltasig has its struggles. Yet, I am so thankful I joined Delta Sigma Pi, because I have gained life long friends, and I have had a lot more fun in business classes and group projects than I would have without DSP.

I can confidently say one of the main things I have learned from this fraternity is professionalism. I have learned countless ways to improve myself in the business world including how to draft a professional email or learning how to dress professionally. Because of my two years of being a Deltasig, I felt fully prepared for my internship this past summer. This summer I had the opportunity to intern in Washington D.C. for the National Coordination Center, working one block from the White House. National Coordination Center is subcontracted under Cerner, they are working on the major IT project of Electronic Health Record modernization for the Veteran’s Affairs.

I am so thankful for DSP and the insight I have received from past brothers to allow me to make the most of this experience.

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